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Banner with text: New York City Urban Bird Explorers Guide with three birds, trees in a park, and buildings in the background.

New ways to explore Washington Square Park

You can explore the trees in the park through the NYC Parks Tree Map, or via the WSP Eco Map. The newsletter is another path to learn about trees and other nature in the square. We are pleased to announce a new resource to notice nature in the park…the New York City Urban Bird Explorers

landscaped park forest layers - canopy trees, small trees, herbaceous perennials

Vegetation Types in Washington Square Park

Did you catch the Northern Catalpa flower show? What about the Tulip Trees? The next tree species to bloom is the Japanese Pagoda Tree. You can find the locations of Styphnolobium japonicum in the park on the NYC Parks Tree Map. (Or on the WSP Eco Map.) Vegetation Types When you visit the park, what

Washington Square Park – Nature Squared

Eastern Redbud and Flowering Dogwood There is an Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis) growing in the northeast corner of the park. It is located in a fenced off area thus inaccessible for phone photography. This photo is of an easy to reach redbud in the neighborhood. The redbud is a native species and grows in the